Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Value of Mentoring

Sometimes I really hate framing. I made the mistake - again - of picking up a couple of cheap frames at a store (not naming names) better known for scrapping supplies and seasonal housewife arts-n-crafts. Just getting a few pieces ready for a small art showing (more about that later), and needed a two of 11x14" frames, maybe an hours worth of work? Wrong!

They say you get what you pay for - I guess that getting kicked in the back of my head costs $24.99... Maybe sitting down to write for a while is a better idea than continuing to experience that kicking sensation.

When I decided to get into the art business, I had the good fortune of finding a mentor, who has many years of experience as a professional artist. This has put me miles ahead of any self-induced learning curve, with sage advice on representation, pricing and selling my own work. and feedback about what looks good and what looks better.

One of the things I've grown to appreciate while running my own businesses has been the value of mentoring. I've mentored others as well, in other lines of work, and like to think I understand that it's not all about me, and that I can't get through this world on my own. The value of mentoring is in the giving, far more than in the receiving.

OK, enough philosophy, it's my bedtime. Here's today's pic, called 1096:

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